Digital Comics in English Language Teaching

English Language Teaching, ICT, Digital Comics, Teaching AidsAbstract
The era of education that is influenced by the industrial revolution 4.0 is characterized by the use of digital technology in the learning process, including language learning. Digital comics, then, become an advantageous instructional media in order to improve students’ skill in English as well as their motivation. This exploratory study examines English teachers’ views on the use of digital comics on learning and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). A 20 item survey questionnaire was distributed to 30 English teachers from different schools in Banten Province who have applied comics as a teaching aid in the English classroom. The questionnaire comprised of three main constructs: a) teacher's perceptions of using ICT in teaching English, b) teacher's perceptions of the advantages and limitations of using digital comics in EFL classroom, c) teacher's perceptions of applying digital comics in teaching EFL. Findings showed that more than 85% per cent of the respondents have positive views on the implementation of digital comics on teaching and learning English. Teachers view that teaching and learning English using digital comics promote a positive learning environment for the students, enhances students’ interest, and makes language learnt in context.