Seminar of Character Building

Seminar of Character Building held on Friday, October 25 by theme ” The Foundation of Personal and Academic Success ” was opened by Deputy of Dean, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. It was also attended by the Head and Secretary of English Education Department, lecturers, and students. The seminar aimed at deepening and shaping the students’ character to get success both in their personal and academic matters.

With a very extraordinary speaker named Dr. Yulianti Fitriyani, S.Pd., M.Sn, she described about how to build our character to become someone who is confident in facing the times in this globalization era.

In the Q&A session of the seminar, one of the students asked about “how to measure our current character?”. “Do something that is indeed good continuously because from that treatment we can understand to what extent our character is formed” the speaker replied. Moreover, she also strongly motivated the audience to become agents of change not only for individual but also for the surrounding people.

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