Author Guidelines
When submitting a manuscript, the author should have to attention the:
- The manuscript should be within the Focus and Scope of this journal subject.
- Scripts can be written either in Indonesian or in English.
- The manuscript is written in Georgia in font 12 with 1.5 spacing and single-column format.
- The article must be under 25 % checked by plagiarism software
- References at least 15 articles (preferably with a DOI article)
- The manuscript is sent in Ms.Word format with the following conditions:
- The article is typed in 1.5 spacing and the length of writing is about 10-15 pages of quarto.
- Writing organizations include: 1) title, 2) author's name (without title), 3) author's affiliation/institution, 4) abstract in English and Indonesian no more than 200 words, 5) keywords, 6) introduction, 7) result and discussion, 8) conclusion 9) acknowledgements, and 9) bibliography.
- The full name of the author should be included along with the origin of the university or professional institution, complete address, and e-mail address that can be contacted.
- References should follow the latest edition of the Turabian Style Manual (full note). The References List is a Bibliography, it shall contain all sources referred to in the Manuscript, and shall not contain unused sources. The reference list contains all references in text originating from sources that are: (a) relevant, (b) at least 80% up to date (last 10 years), and (c) primary (at least 80%). Primary references consist of journals, proceedings, scientific books, research reports, theses, dissertations, patents, standards, and historical documents; while secondary references include general reading books and internet information resources. For a better format, the author should use a Reference Manager application like Mendeley.
The detailed conditions of manuscript writing above including the guideline of Arabic-Latin transliteration stated in the Manuscript Template of As-Sibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.
Authors are discouraged from withdrawing submitted manuscripts after it is in the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.). During the time, As-Sibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process. Should under any circumstances the author(s) still request for a withdrawal, the author(s) have to send an email to As-Sibyan's editor using the same email address used in correspondence.