Focus and Scope

Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan is a journal that contains published reviews, ideas and research on educational management with a focus on curriculum management, graduate management, learning process management, facilities and infrastructure management, education management, financing management, assessment management and management, educators and educational staff.


Meanwhile, the scope of Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan includes:

1. Curriculum Management includes Curriculum Management in Elementary School, Curriculum Management in Junior High School, Curriculum Management in High School, Content Standard Study, and Curriculum Study.

2. Graduate Management includes Management of Graduates in Elementary School, Graduate Studies in Elementary School, Management of Graduates in Junior High School, Graduate Studies in Junior High School, Management of Graduates in High School, and Graduate Studies in High School.

3. Learning Process Management includes Learning Process Management in elementary school, Learning Process Management in junior high school, Learning Process Management in high school, Classroom Management in elementary school, Classroom Management in junior high school, Classroom Management in high school, Learning Process Study in elementary school, Learning Process Study in junior high school, and Learning Process Study in high school.

4. Management of Facilities and Infrastructure includes Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Elementary School, Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in junior high school, Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in high school, Management of Science Laboratory, Management of Language Laboratory, Management of Computer Laboratory, Management of Teaching Resources, and Library Management.

5. Education Management includes Education Management in Elementary School, Education Management in Junior High School, Education Management in High School, Education Studies in Elementary School, Education Studies in Junior High School, and Education Studies in High School.

6. Financing Management includes Financing Management in Elementary School, Financing Management in Junior High School, Financing Management in High School, Management of Madrasah/School Operational Costs, and Assessment of Madrasah/School Operational Costs.

7. Assessment Management includes Assessment Management in Elementary School, Assessment Management in Junior High School, Assessment Management in High School, Learning Assessment, Learning Evaluation Review, and Education Evaluation Review.

8. Management of Educators and Education staff includes Management of Educators and Educational Personnel in Elementary School, Management of Educators and Educational Personnel in junior high school, Management of Educators and Educational Personnel in high school, Management of Teacher Resources, Management of Education Personnel, and Study of Educators and Education staff.



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Tarbawi : Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan 
Published by Department of Islamic Education Management, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Indonesia